What Is DevOps and Main Advantages of DevOps anyqanda.blogspot.com

 What Is DevOps

If you are associated with the IT field or are interested in it, then you must have heard the word DevOps, then do you know what is DevOps, what is DevOps In Hindi, if not then you can read this post, in which we have explained in easy words. Important information about DevOps is given.

What Is DevOps

What Is DevOps

DevOps is made up of two words Development and Operations. It is not a tool or technology, but a methodology, which promotes mutual cooperation between the development and operations team, that is, reduces the gap between them and improves the mutual coordination of the team.

As a result, building, testing and release of software is greatly accelerated, that is, it is a reliable and fast method as compared to traditional methods of software development.

DevOps is seen as a new methodology or movement in the software development field, which is adopted to increase reliability and accelerate the capabilities of software and service delivery of an organization. This acceleration in development and management processes results in better customer feedback, and can be more strongly competed in the market.

Main advantages of DevOps.

You know DevOps is not any kind of tool or technology but a way of working, in which mutual cooperation of the team is promoted, so that the speed of production can be increased by adopting automated methods following standards and high level of production. To be.


Some of the main advantages of DevOps are as follows.

Faster Delivery Time

The principle of DevOps is to speed up the software development process by adopting an automated approach, while also aiming for faster product delivery and quicker feedback.

High Collaboration Between Teams

Prior to DevOps, there was a lack of coordination between the development and operational teams, both of which used to work separately from each other, which had an impact on the development and production of the product. Today, the coordination and communication between the teams working under the DevOps methodology has become at a high level, the direct effect of which is visible in the form of higher production, better quality and faster delivery.

Defect Correction

Because in this method, more importance is given to coordination and cooperation between different teams, so the teams work together, so that if any defect is found during the process, it is detected and resolved. Turns out to be quite easy. Its direct benefit is given to the customer in the form of a high level of service or product.

Continuous Delivery

DevOps is often referred to as Continuous Delivery of the Product, as its automated process results in the Software Product being always in the Release Ready-State. It is a pre-production process, where the developer passes the application through various dimensions in order to fully verify it.

Customer Satisfaction

The success of any business depends on the quality of the product, marketing strategy and all other aspects as well as customer satisfaction, because this is the point that can make and break a business.

Special care is taken under the DevOps methodology, where the customer is apprised of the progress of the application development from time to time through feedback, and during this time if the customer expresses the desire for any kind of modification, then the application accordingly. changes are made in .

last word

We hope that you have liked this important information about DevOps, if you have any question related to this post, or have any suggestion for us, then you can tell us by comment.

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